Chuluota Cemetery
877 Lake Mills Rd., Chuluota, FL 32766
The Chuluota Cemetery on Lake Mills Rd is managed by the First Baptist Church of Chuluota. Please use the following contact information to get in touch with someone for any questions regarding the cemetery.
A representative from the Board of Trustees and the Sexton of the Chuluota
Community Cemetery met with the Department of Financial Services
representative, Gene Brimmer, on Monday, June 12th. The purpose was two-
fold: to examine and discuss the issues brought by those who received a
letter from the cemetery addressing the rules and regulations of the
cemetery, and to highlight those plots with multiple violations of the
cemetery rules (including unauthorized installation of crosses and
headstones, intrusions of plot decorations and structures onto other plots,
and improper border and decorations). All documentation concerning
cemetery by-laws, burial plots, plot rights, and rules were given to Mr.
Brimmer along with a copy of the letter sent to burial plot certificate owners.
The Board’s desire has never been to be disrespectful or uncaring about
those grieving the loss of loved ones. The Board members know and
understand what it means to lose loved ones. Our desire has always been to
provide a clean, safe, and well-maintained cemetery while respecting all
family plots. The letter sent to certificate holders in May was to address the
multiple issues listed above that were becoming untenable. We are making
every effort to fulfill our duty as trustees with compassion, respect and care
for all concerned parties.
The Board of Trustees will continue working with the state to ensure the
cemetery remains compliant with all state laws. We will strive to show
compassion and concern to grieving families as we help them navigate these
cemetery guidelines. In due time, the existing rules and regulations of the
cemetery will be brought to bear without partiality so that the burial rights of
all owners are protected.
Board of Trustees
Chuluota Community Cemetery
Contact: Jon and Carol Reese
Phone: 407-765-4021